Official Spokesperson's response to a question on inter governmental...

Official Spokesperson's response to a question on inter governmental water negotiations between India and Pakistan

July 16, 2016; New Delhi

In response to a question on inter governmental water negotiations between India and Pakistan, the Official Spokesperson said:

"The visit of a team from Pakistan led by Water and Power Secretary of Pakistan to New Delhi on July 14-15, 2016 was in response to India pointing out to Pakistan that the latter was violating provisions of the Indus Waters Treaty in rushing to a third forum without attempting to avail Treaty provisions for amicably resolving matters of mutual concern pertaining to two hydro-electric projects: Kishenganga (330 MW on Jhelums tributary) and Ratle (850 MW on Chenab).During the talks both sides stated their views at government level. We hope that the Pakistan side will see reason in our suggestions on the way forward."

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